Build the New Normal

COVID-19 Communications Field Guide

Software powered communications gives you the ability to drive digital acceleration and connect with your customers at scale.

Use Cases

Tailor your communications to meet any customer's needs at every step of their journey throughout COVID-19.

Vaccine Distribution

Roll out COVID-19 vaccine efficiently. Use digital communications for information and alerts, appointment registration and coordination, tracking effectiveness, and distribution logistics.

Contact Tracing

Rapidly launch and scale contact tracing software to call patients, identify contacts, and monitor symptoms to keep your constituents safe as the economy opens.


Twilio helps providers offer patient care remotely and at scale. Now, you can connect with patients virtually over video chat, phone call, or SMS.


Twilio helps companies answer common questions from customers at scale. Build self-serve communications experiences across channels.

Contactless Delivery

Fulfill customers orders with speed and scale, using prompt notifications and streamlined communication systems.

Remote Contact Centers

Empower agents to serve your customers from afar. Using Twilio, you can deliver exceptional customer experiences from wherever you’re working.

Mass Notifications

Twilio’s omnichannel platform lets you send messages to thousands in an instant. Choose the channels your customers prefer to send updates, alerts, and notifications.

Distance Learning

Build applications to connect with your students and customers around the world using real-time video conferencing. Twilio gives you the flexibility to build, host, and support meetings easily.

Twilio is here to help

Twilio is offering product and financial support to serve your organization:

Vaccine distribution

$1 million in product credits for organizations and initiatives supporting equitable access to vaccines. Impact Access

$500 kickstarter credit and discounted pricing for 501(c)(3) organizations or your domestic equivalent, B Corps, or social enterprises using communications for public benefit. 

Twilio is offering product and financial support to serve your organization with vaccine distribution and kickstarter credit.
Twilio is offering product and financial support to serve your organization with vaccine distribution and kickstarter credit.

If you have a complex use case or require massive scale, we can work with you. Complete this COVID response form or call us at (844) 814-4627 to reach a specialist.