Text Messaging Restrictions in the People's Republic of China

Last Updated: March 30, 2021

If Customer is sending text messages to, from, or within the People’s Republic of China (“PRC”), Customer is prohibited from sending content in text messages that (a) is political, illegal, pornographic, fraudulent, or finance-related, including, without limitation, content related to loans, credit cards, securities, stocks, crude oil, futures, gold, or cryptocurrency or marketing content from banks or insurance companies or (b) violates basic principles of the PRC Constitution, the Ministry of lndustry and Information Technology's "Nine Prevention Rules," or the Ministry of Public Security's "Five Categories."

Customer will register a valid signature and provide any information requested by Twilio or a telecommunications provider before sending text messages to, from, or within the PRC. If Customer is a bank or an insurance company, Customer may execute an authorization letter provided by Twilio only to send one-time password (OTP) authentication text messages.