Twilio Office Hours: Hang Out in the Cloud With Real Live Twilions!

May 14, 2012
Written by
Jonathan Gottfried
Opinions expressed by Twilio contributors are their own

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We are kicking off a series of developer office hours on the Twilio Spreecast Channel this coming Thursday, May 17th at 4pm PST/7pm EST where you can grab instant answers and direct feedback on your Twilio questions.

We invite you, our noble community of Twilio hackers, to ask questions, talk about your favorite hacks, tell us what features you’d love to see, or just talk about Star Wars (disclaimer: no Jar-Jar).

Join me on Spreecast for our first online developer office hours – Thursday, May 17th at 4pm PST/7pm EST to 5pm PST. You can RSVP at or just hop online on the 17th!

A hat tip to Dwolla Evangelist Michael Schonfeld who kicked off office hours the other week on Google+. We thought it was such a great idea we wanted to offer it to our community as well. Maybe one day we’ll do an API mashup developer hangout, what do you think?

Look forward to seeing you there!