Qeepsake Lets You Log Precious Memories Via Twilio SMS

August 04, 2017
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On Saturday, they had the idea. On Monday, they started working on Qeepsake.
Jeff and Stephanie McNeil, along with Duncan Street, founded Qeepsake together. Jeff and Stephanie are the proud parents of 5 young children.
As you might imagine, they don’t have a ton of time to sit down and write in a journal when a moment of parental pride strikes them. But, that doesn’t mean they can’t write that memory to record. Jeff and Stephanie built Qeepsake as a more convenient way to log those parental thoughts via an SMS-based journal.
When your child does something so adorable it deserves to be memorialized, you can whip out your phone and text your Twilio-powered Qeepsake number. The image you sent, and text you included are logged in your Qeepsake journal. Qeepsake also sends out prompts asking parents questions like “What are two words that describe your child’s personality??” Keeping the journal digital saves parents from losing space on their phone, or losing track of physical scrapbooks.
“Qeepsake acts as a friend in a parent’s contact list on their phone,” says co-founder, Duncan Street. It would be quite off-putting if your friend’s contact information changed intermittently. Qeepsake avoids this problem and builds trust with users by giving them a consistent phone number to interact with.  This number is the gateway to their personal journal of memories, one that Qeepsake had to scale.
Using Twilio’s Copilot, the Qeepsake team went from serving 3,000 users on only one 10-digit phone number to a solution that’s much more scalable (and carrier friendly).
“During the early days, applying for a shortcode was a terribly long process to undergo for an early stage startup wanting to rapidly prototype and measure user behavior. We were pretty stuck without Co-pilot,” says Street.
Now squarely unstuck, Qeepsake is scaling for their growing user base and focused on improving their ability to prompt parents with questions that will inspire Qeepsake entries. Learn more about Qeepsake here.