How Twilio Messaging Drives Success Across Industries

September 12, 2023
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Twilio Messaging Across Industries

Successful organizations are building flexible, responsive, communication strategies with elevated engagement levels. The goal? Add significant value to their customer’s experience.

In a world driven by seamless communication, Twilio's messaging services stand at the forefront of transformative engagement strategies. The narratives of Plentiful, Taskrabbit, and Workday underscore how strategic integration of Twilio's solutions has redefined customer interactions, unveiling a new era of meaningful engagement.

Success story themes

Within these stories, several prominent themes emerge, illuminating the core principles that drive success in modern communication strategies:

Meeting customers where they are

The power of SMS messaging shines as a unifying theme across all three customer stories. Plentiful, Taskrabbit, and Workday all recognize the efficacy of SMS as a preferred medium, boasting higher click-through rates, open rates, and faster response times compared to traditional communication methods. This recognition cements SMS as a direct and efficient channel that plays a pivotal role in driving customer engagement.

Compliance and regulation

All three customers highlighted the importance of adhering to industry regulations for Application-to-Person (A2P) Messaging amid an ever-changing regulatory landscape to be able to reach end consumers. Plentiful, Taskrabbit, and Workday prioritize the significance of regulatory compliance while harnessing Twilio's messaging services. This theme highlights the importance of collaborating with a partner like Twilio, known for helping customers manage regulatory requirements to stay compliant and providing solutions that align seamlessly with industry regulations.

Two-way communication

While one-way notifications remain integral to effective communication, the concept of two-way engagement emerges as a valuable extension. Workday's forthcoming two-way messaging feature and Plentiful's plans to enable client responses underscore a shift toward more dynamic and interactive communication. This extension empowers users to actively engage, respond, and provide feedback through the messaging platform.

Global and scalable solutions

The pursuit of scalability and global reach unites the three customer stories. Plentiful aims to expand its reach to more food banks, Taskrabbit progressively implements Twilio across countries, and Workday seeks to broaden its messaging product's regional coverage. Twilio's global messaging expertise supports customers in expanding to new markets, while our reliable messaging solutions are tailored for seamless scaling.

Real-world impact

The real-world impact of Twilio's messaging solutions takes center stage in each customer's narrative. Plentiful saw improved engagement between food banks and clients, ensuring that food banks were better able to help their clients get the help they needed; TaskRabbit saw enhanced customer engagement and Tasker-client communication so their customers were able to stay up to date on their tasks with accessible communication.

While noting these themes is important, there’s nothing quite like the stories themselves to show, not tell, how messaging has helped transform the face of our customer’s businesses.  

Twilio helps further Plentiful’s mission

At SIGNAL, Twilio’s annual conference, CEO Catherine Compitello, discusses Plenitful's innovative technology-driven approach to addressing food insecurity in New York City and beyond. Plentiful's mission revolves around providing dignified and accessible food assistance through user-friendly tools. These tools, including a flagship reservation system, streamline the process of connecting individuals in need with food providers, significantly reducing wait times. Key partners, Bryan Moran and Kate McKenzie, share insights into the challenges of food insecurity and how Plentiful's technology has improved access and outcomes for millions. The discussion underscores the importance of a human-centered approach to technology, highlighting the role of SMS communication in building trust and enhancing data collection. Plentiful's focus on collaboration, real-time insights, and scalable solutions underscores its commitment to combating food insecurity while inspiring others to address similar challenges using innovative technology.

Learn how Plentiful is using technology to do good in New York City.

Taskrabbit enhances communication

In this customer story featured at SIGNAL, by Kiranchang Kanagasekar, Senior Engineering Manager, and Caryn Cueto, Senior Product Manager at Taskrabbit, they discuss how Twilio's messaging solution improved communication between Taskers and clients on their global platform. Twilio's SMS notifications play a vital role in enhancing customer engagement by confirming bookings, initiating communication, and scheduling appointments. The partnership with Twilio offers Taskrabbit benefits like 24/7 support, minimal downtime, better delivery rates, improved reporting, and scalability as they expand globally. The presentation outlines their step-by-step integration of Twilio's services, starting with three countries and expanding to more regions, emphasizing the importance of reliable messaging for Taskrabbit's user experience, task completion, and business growth.

Dive deeper into Taskrabbit's communication revolution with Twilio.

Workday improves communication success

In another session led by Kim Murray, Senior Director of Product Management at Workday's Omnichannel Engagement Team, the effectiveness of Workday's communication strategy is showcased, powered by Twilio Messaging. As a major player in enterprise cloud applications, Workday prioritizes timely and impactful messages through channels like SMS, with a focus on recruiting and engagement. Workday uses Twilio Messaging to provide Workday users the ability to send SMS messages to candidates as part of the recruiting process, such as notifications inviting them to apply or reminding them of an interview. Additionally, Workday users can create custom messages to send to employees as SMS notifications to help provide updates related to onboarding, time off, benefits, or other HR and finance-related topics. Workday customers have seen end user engagement increase and the time required for specific tasks decrease as a result of implementing SMS notifications. The session underscores the benefits of Twilio's support, compliance, global reach, and in driving Workday's communication success, inviting further exploration of their messaging offering.

Discover how messaging drove success for Workday in recruiting and engagement.

At SIGNAL 2023, through our customers, we were able to unveil a world where Twilio's messaging services have redefined customer interactions and ushered in a new era of meaningful engagement for organizations across diverse industries. By highlighting the key themes of optimized communication channels, compliance and regulation, two-way communication, global scalability, value of integration, and real-world impact we are able to underscore how Twilio's solutions drive success.


Watch the Transformative Stories from SIGNAL 2023

Description: Discover how Twilio Messaging revolutionized communication for Plentiful, Taskrabbit, and Workday.

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