San Francisco Startups Do Pushups for Charity Next Thursday

May 10, 2012
Written by
Meghan Murphy
Opinions expressed by Twilio contributors are their own

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Doing pushups started as just a way for the Udemy team to stay in shape at the office. Before they knew it, the team had the crazy idea to one day turn that exercise into a way to raise money for charity. And that crazy fundraiser is about to happen.

This Thursday, San Francisco startups 99Designs, GitHub, Hotel Tonight, Udemy and Zaarly will put their hands to the ground, literally, in a pushup competition to benefit five different charities. Join us at the event May 17th, 6pm at Minna Gallery, to cheer them on! All ticket proceeds will go to the selected charities.

Five Amazing Nonprofit Organizations

Each startup chose one charity to support, which makes for an impressive lineup of philanthropic initiatives. You can support by sponsoring a team or buying a ticket to the event.

 Kiva Zip is a part of the Kiva that provides micro loans for entrepreneurs directly. Sponsor Team Github to support this nonprofit.

 Muttville is a senior dog rescue and foster service based here in San Francisco. Sponsor Team Udemy to support this nonprofit.

 DonorsChoose connects donors from around the world directly with classrooms in need of financial support. Sponsor Team 99designs to support this charity.

 CharityWater brings clean and safe drinking water to people in developing countries. Sponsor Team Hotel Tonight to support this charity.

 Livestrong, started by Lance Armstrong, leads a charge on improving the lives of those affected by cancer. Sponsor Team Zaarly to support this nonprofit.

We look forward to seeing you at the event!