Twilio Expands UK Capabilities with SMS Launch

January 19, 2012
Written by
Meghan Murphy
Opinions expressed by Twilio contributors are their own

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Last October we opened our UK office in support of our European developers and launched Twilio Voice for the UK. Today we’re very happy to ship Twilio SMS into the hands of our UK customers, offering them Twilio-powered domestic text messaging between UK phone numbers.

We continue to support the European developer community and are committed to expanding Twilio services worldwide, including today’s launch of Twilio numbers in five new European countries.

What This Means for Twilio Customers

Starting today, we will begin rolling out Twilio numbers in the UK with full access to the Twilio SMS API.  This allows UK customers to send and receive text messages using domestic UK phone numbers at just 4¢ USD per message – that’s just 2.6 pence at current exchange rates.  We are working on pushing Twilio SMS to all UK phone numbers from the beta and these will be SMS-enabled as soon as possible.  All newly purchased UK numbers are SMS-enabled immediately.

Important Note for non-UK Customers:  if you would like to use a UK number for SMS please note that this is a domestic messaging product for sending messages to UK numbers only.  Additionally, we are not able to guarantee delivery of international  messages sent from non-UK phone numbers or from locations outside the UK.

Getting Started with Twilio SMS

Ready to start developing on Twilio SMS in the UK?  We’ve got plenty of resources to help you get started, check these out and let us know if we can do anything else to make your experience a great one at or on Twitter @Twilio.

UK Customer Success Stories

AirBnB, the community marketplace for renting personal apartments or homes, is a long- time Twilio client utilizing Twilio SMS and Twilio Client for click-to-call browser calling. AirBnB uses Twilio worldwide and is able to provide 24/7 phone support and help guests connect with hosts before they arrive. With Twilio SMS live in the UK, AirBnB can easily implement its SMS service at a much lower price.

In September, Zendesk, the cloud-based help desk service provider, launched ZendeskVoice powered by Twilio in the US and Canada. With our expansion to UK numbers, Zendesk had no problem providing the service to their UK customer base. As Twilio continues to launch in new countries, we can make sure our customers can keep growing internationally too.